Bone Marrow Screening 2010
Our Bone Marrow Screening on Saturday, March 27 went very well. We were able to screen 115 people, 78 of which were eligible to be entered into the National Bone Marrow Registry. Hopefully, we will find out in a few weeks that we got a match for either Charlotte, a 4 year old currently undergoing chemotherapy at Boston Children's Hospital, or for Lori, the twin sister of one of our community members.
Our heartfelt thanks go out to all who participated. Special thanks to the following people, without whom the drive would not have been such a marvelous sucess: Jennifer MacDonald, Healther Sherwood and Sandy Forbes for their time and patience helping run the screening; Dan Dineen of Coca Cola for providing us with more than enough beverages to go around; The Met coffee shop of North Conway for providing cookies and coffee to keep us going; and White Mountain Notary for the delicious cupcakes.